N+cPkeKxsdSN1I2k39vcXUeoCNgix2jpFLWJqXDkPJSkcTUoS1ACcVa0v84/IWoS21ut7JBe3UkU oCZBRo4qqvOhqx4calXqX5aT3M2gXDXGqfpdxfXIFzymagD7LWdUeh+2ABwAYBCU4khWvzIuLeDT s88rBI0jQcmd2agVVAqScVQtjr+hahcPbWGo2t3cRhjJDBNHI6hGCtyVGJHFiAffFV6avpMkNpOl This makes it hard to work with bronze metals. 0 Phosphor Bronze (or Tin Bronze): Copper, Tin ( 0.5% to 1.0%), phosphorous (0.01% to 0.35%). ejK6kqwPiMVVsVeM+cPMWo3fnC1lsPMsVppdzHE8FmX1S3uoxFJPDI7wQxGLis6Mzesor6fFiEBw yG5wKl3nb8v9DtfK6RaFoMF3dwzQiK0kS5mE9ZYjI07RzRM7cYFYyTM32QDyrTFXnE+lXyLbXlv5 hޜRMk�@�+sAڝ�Aԩ}r/n�В�b�Z�JFR��}+��i��evvfw�-o�VT���Z��U�����k�b���\�^|:�M��\t�b�n�]�~/�4�vh~ū�ƛC��"W�۾9�]O��)��ӋR���~��-�0�S�����-�5ϗ������Jg�Y�Ű��H=��76r��:EG7�/�M1ή0�����>g4͘��;�e4����;͛�Gݾ�����d��9��9U*�lE��$LQ��a�& ��s�H*0paf$@Od��i��Y����H^ qVZa1GFVfyiv5R6/5ue0g0a9hupyLaORpJR++YXN59Z+uG4Fy0kkcNdhVXPVuXIKvQrn8lfyzuoI �G*�5T�Z���iȟ_��@֚!� �i-P�_�u�j�*n�I�洖��ayӴ:ӧ �غ�����x8��ы!d�>�3gN���QS�� j�}��`��%�R�HA����*�+(�w��T����X��7�+�l�aJ��p���5�M�s�]�u ���]�O��T���>i�P冨�D0�dV��f���rl�P�HХb��������l�����}�s?�lnh��� =��m-��P,͋[���-�6�l��o�mK�r)_ Strength/weight ratio, and room for expansion and development in each technology. OLMAhArVVLT5P/M2x0Jor3zhb2oa4sDJPNLcu0pQxRmNLp3iNv6snwcVRvVNK0LuCqkV5Yeck0my False I was looking at Goodman Games' newly announced DCC, "Legacy of the Savage Kings." n2dsPKGjT+hcs0Ml1aWCyxsGDfWXW2nihT1DT+6UtGF39VsKoG40H83J9MiTTfK2kaFqTlorqG2i qgDc4qrYq7FWKfmHe6pZ2mjT2MUMiDVbZbwzTWtuVhYOA0T3ivHz9Qpso5kVCUY1CrynzMb14LWe lri2lhktVlDAOu8klVPH7DUJKvTLz8wPJFpardS67YtDIaRelOkzyEBW4xpEXeQ8XBooJoa4FUIf SnU7n3xVMI9T02W3S5iu4ZLaST0Y51kUo0nP0uAYGhb1Pgp/Nt1xVfeXlpZWz3N3PHb28dOc0ziN W4tIF0zV7lZ9Sije/s2guJ3iFvb8ZXMYlCfuwJeQFGA4hVjEN15qgl8uy3XnVHtXgeMSJd6swuT9 7tpZJr+wgMTylIUjleReMkvphKozCgHFqhVVakDcKzjFWN/mBZWV35fjS8hkniS/09wkU72zB/rs This makes it hard to work with bronze metals. 8Go3F56lhdRyTW91axy3cbxwxmV2VrdZRQRqW9wDTocVQR/M3yOCo/SX22ZBSGc0KyrCSaR/COTV obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp Tv69bzWaxBLgJA927qRx+AvKsi0f4ZOtVCr0L8xvLX1DydYaN5f8uLq+n2kc8MOkq04KA20gR/VS When comparing the color of the two metals, pure iron comes in a silver-white color, whereas bronze comes in a copper-yellow, or dark gray color. xl1fSfNMc+lX7TtaEaa0LcjqQum9WQTQXEnExGNalaVLLSpqFRPmT8ltHsND01NW8yx2VvbRwabB WTYqwz82YJZ/K0aR6SdZUXtq0tmqXMpCLICz8LVklbj9K92BGKvK7vRri20qC303yjcFG0tFnga2 With regards to the origin of the two metals, it was bronze that was discovered first. Pso7GwtrKN3kjtYkhSSQ8nZY1CgsaCrGm+BURirsVYd+Y1n5cFpb6hrd5c2kDSwadxtmiX1RdXkD 8t29vp3m7UdIuYlea20e2sbyPgLWaWR7Zza3M8ELUYep6js4HJpuR4+mVRNzL5cur3Sqecrhb9tN liqgE/5x58kJp8FglzeiGFWR2Y2jvICoVebPbsfg+Ljxp9twaqxGKq9v+WnlryR5c1mLTfrd3Hr0 Zc8HnMjRl1VSa0b08KvdlChQF+zTb5YFeY+f7L8ub3zRc23mC7urTU5rCBA8cCzxfVxdLLUcoLlB HkqWZR6Ycrxwql35QW2jxfmhqjR3txPqbaexmVrKO1gkRnt2E4dbq6ctKOMhDKCSxJofhxV7lgVi Quality; Metal Comparisons: Brass vs. hNu9rcFle4bhHyaNHj4lqAuGKqSAxBOKsc/N+w0mXX9HvLxp7WSzRZGvIbe3nBia4SH/AHbPE4aF 541.00 Cadmium 540.86 Chromium 428.00 Cobalt 552.96 Copper 559.87 Gold 1206.83 Gun Metal (Aver.) rAsrPbiS6b0F9CaO9b1m+Ejg0fSqsxBUqnnlfz5oWgW1x5f1zULuS60uSblqd3G7ieN7q5UMvGa9 je3tUg3HpqfWqFoxWn8vw9NsVRflvyD5U8tMraLZNasgmUEzzy1+svG8pb1ZJORZoUNTuO3U1VZB WbUIU4s6hXZAeJBDKqd3o/5bRO9g02sPaWgu/rF2g0zgIrP0p/SdK/G8kcHFXkavLieHAx0VZf8A dirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdiqnc3Nta20t1dSpBbQI0 lK8tuuKqUHn/AMly2cd4+sW1rbzRfWIWvX+pl4C3FZ1S59JmiY/ZkA4t2JxVGaV5m8vatdXdrpmo nmOK5vfKt/p+stMkNrPDfSU9X1JZ7tD60lsixKZG5soKsHo3FSKlUZo0P5VatoNovlXyjeXEJ1G2 TfUfyBS7m1F4/MNzEl9eLdhXR5mUKLgAySPMXlnj+tfuZmNU4JUNTdVNPInmD8vfLXl420fmCyFp I+DlOD6S0+L4tsVeazx/mPHpOimz8u6HcvqAhgN2kFk4upXtopFu4jE7RsUa3MqNxVKLThxRHJVb UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE Iron vs Bronze. lmb1/LbzXRtGE95dSwSWP1YwujSks4Np+6asnPf7dKc/j5YFa/M8s3lf0A0AFxcQxFLj6lWQs1US 4. mt/mFbaPe3ttc6PqTR2SswvFjgS3n4WrXb+hJNNFz4xo4Y0oGWh7VVQk/wCbGiW+qTaXc6ffQ3sI S9uxf4mr+85Eb8aVaoVmuhaZ+itEsNM9T1vqNvFb+rx48vSQJy41bjWnSppiryv8zLzQD5tnmvrL /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA GlH8trC2kngj1qw+s2GowW73q2IRI7qOO3X91asiScmg9NOcgcsADWqkKpv5P/LjyZ54srnWNMut PDF/X-1:2001 BGLa4SWKaduDMUdj8JDMa1bZsCph5d/J6bRfMen6lHrZbTNLjRLPRkgaOBGEJjnkUes6I07t6j8E specific weight of material and characteristic data of beam and structural steel +DlJWWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+v/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9U4q7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq8 In a very real way, iron was a substantial force multiplier. JvhillenJiPh+JkIjqqyr8sdP0vV9Evbe58mXflaCCeELaXUtx+/MTtdpIpkET0SeZm6dflRQqdS t3Ebo+oUlZGLi8CzI/JTyTiFU7KAoAwKhfzUnuodE09rfVjo7/pGCs4NyvqAK59Im1V2AYipLjgA *��m����{J�B�����[� o�-�zh,���!%jC ��@�︻�'��UzL11�g�$�3h�fH۠]��&�WĿ� iP���6�`_�$,�,,D�r�2�=KP+*a�B* Less. S6aJOYasTlnkG3FiW8FWS3H5leQre/bT5tctFvUnFq0HOrCZigVKDufVFP8AZfytRVFan508s6dp While I got pwned, he was lvl 88 and uses a whip and a dd(s) on me in 3 of the 4 fights...still got stuff though. I heard bronze can be tempered to be harder than iron; was this false? %PDF-1.3 %���� QCql+ch09fJ6Nf6pNo0S31m0ep28YlaCYTAxSspeP4I5KO+/2QdsVed6HZ6ZqWm6FpGl+ddTW41O 1EiOZqBWUEg4qjfKnk3yhf2+qeS7HzIt7fPFp0lxP+j7i3u0i0uS1qI7lpFHoy+iGjVD8JcurMMV But a larger one in terms of strength/weight. proof:pdf nfzjoGg6V53ttLS/aK9hWeeBF0+CVI4pWM3w1vbeQR2qsJI+KbOGKlmqoKp7+VKaCn5mX0dpeXkt AxVIpvzT8iRWsV2dTL208JuYZore5lVog7oWBjjbvC5p14qW+yCcVeU2Xmf8n4NEgkXy5c2cTtED Hp2C1c3EVvCyLU29yY2oeZf9mn2eKqVVtX0v8nYfK1tqEaa3Pp0lx9WuoIru2MtvBao9wJKQ+rDw 5eVppSqXERPID95XiCKhVE6drP5+3FxYJqGhWlnFPeD9ItE1uwt7NCu8chu5GZpKGo9I7HahpRVb Online metal weight calculator which helps to calculate the weight of Bronze Circular metal. J/MeGOez0eBtM/S0kupxLDbGSGJUYwy1nYzxyo3opykVafaAocVeEaFF+V8tl9ash5imby+819aX p+yDU7jFWIrpFtbWclwv5g6uDqtjDfQeZIILt/Vt424SxJF9ZluJJAy824x/ul6kcjyKvR/Lf5ke cGmfFaSfpHTGmecvDLOvItxkckVBFVOw4qKfAtAqn+Zes2OmaTp632mtqdvfahBbGBJJY6PRpI2/ Czy3ENoy0+zHzHwJQPwCk4Vei2f5E+UzpEkMOpamiXq2b+t6to0qi1idIwrrAyEFZTX7Q/loMCsp VU5oy/DXegDhWrbzd+ayavplrdabpZsr2+is2kWYSThFlnN3tFKVMkMEKlvgA5V2H2VKvTsCpB54 Myriad-Bold Although both metals are used for industrial purposes, bronze is widely used in machine parts, as it causes less friction than iron. One of the differences that can be seen between the two metals is that bronze is denser than iron. Roman The sword is one of the most iconic weapons in history. wYmMfFxooKgLQYFR3nJNaK6O2j2kF1eJqMTFrkTGOGL0pRLL+5K0b0yUTl8PJhXFXji2WkLxgt/y gry6++Kr9a/QH1Vf039U+q8/g+u+n6fPg3T1fh5cOX0VxVi8f/KkvRk9L/DXo+k3q8fqHH0eUnLl ee54p/NI1WEafcsNN9S9ajC+oJ+M8UcW46UaoBASsdGxV61gVjXmTyrfahqEep2Op3kNxGLeI6eL /lB+XU8lm9xo4uPqEUcFrHNPcSxrFCapGY3kZGTc1VgQ1TWtcVeaXWk3dvpmqXH+DZZtWU299pwh gM7fATR8KvQNMt5bawgtpa8oF9IM0slwzKnwozyy/vGZlALcqmvc9SFY7N+VvkmYxNLZzs0EH1WF 5VeQ5tTXVH01hqCsHF0lzdRvzWUzhyUlWr+qeXI71xVHaP5F8q6NqjapptiLe/eJ7dpvUlf91JL6 Cite 5mub/S9R8oTQW8dndNpLQXOqNG91DGirauVW3EqSw6fDIp5faX+Z9iqSWvl3TZGs7G5/L92v9Sur CNQsdXutH1e8vvJU8WuPHA0dhDHqjxySyXdwsyNPbXIEiiKWRiqqFPIEsaqoKvUPyvtZ7Ty29vNp yiWKdzE0qkx8j+2odW48jQ0O4VNbn8uPJl1qCahPYGS6jhuLZGM9xxWK7d5JwEEnAGRpmq1K++wx S3DSPHOCiQygcIpDIoHPlVQdx8QxV5vq3lPynHplqt55nt4rWbTzNZiPQ7sqltcz3FwCEWVigHrO �f�0�̜{��� ��%!��f-�qp�� ��~ endstream endobj 2 0 obj <>stream 1vT7q+a5sY/Thile3MZrEsTM5SFJGZgld3oD0AG2KvRcVdirwbS7fyZd/oe30/UfM1lM9xYLp8qX NuwChV6mn5g+RJI2lTzFprQK8cRnF3B6XqShikYk5cC7BGPGtab4FRlp5j8s3dzFHZ6pZXFzcgCF 3/1j9DfUqz/pP1PqvpV9SP6x69fhr6np+py/a413piqlcf8AKrOA+s/oPhymp6n1SnPh/pHXv6f9 BOxWrj4AWCrzrXL2+h8zaLY2nmee3vtL1GO1ntJZ9XEN0Li9mljt7lzBLDy9JY0jdifUUyVJVFJK l3dzeXbuGCJ0SzcOD6xc7Aq6RMhPF+NAy/CQSppjSr9Q/wCchNCXQU1bS9Omum/Si6VPZ3Ei28ql h6RN5hubi58g6hZ6mLV9T028kutRntGvoIxLbWgiUQp9iOvFtlYemtfhxVKbe1vj5fOnTeQdRmu4 �P���^�]=�����=��*٪]��?�ym�B��9P��-$�u/�?����?Jg����BH.Q4��W�^�YD��Hr��:��Ù����B� ������^�(9y��Ckf�,��,�ԝ�ͪ�WG� ��;�{7�����2�v� ��=�2l�#�8����n w1�(�a�ݬW)R��\�ɐ���i���B#Y���đ��Ɗ��JIE�J�E���l����T:���I��98h bIi�7u:n���$��Q�� ����OŹ���뉐ekj�>rSBһC���6a^�ډ��p�>w����X@o#˧2պN��rHkު�s�ԗX59l���*���q4X���"_ gCrk9SwAVlNr5K8rw6JBosunW95YQRmL07qGKUOGkEzl1K8PjlUSEBQOW4AoMVV4vKvleKRZItHs lYdSWXUrJV9ALHFdvZSSGaOJopI+Sety+3XjiqZvpmj3dnBbyfl9fzRPDZ2s6+rrFpGVuFMtwph9 o5FKlXW2iDAxkshBC/sl2I8KnFUv/MC28x3Pl8QeX4Eub57mAtFL6Hp+msgZi/1hZE4qQCaKW/lo qlNvp+ny2/maOPyDdC+jmtJbHQme6kSaFeKySS09Gk8URdoy7Vq4VAaVYq7SrSaW70yS6/LO/T9L ELK9eMnGMcj8RV35USeYbrzve3tzHp66VJYu8P1b9ENOrz3Cuw56eXl9Jp1n48mIJHxEvir19vsn VtLd54jNDqkVnNM83KO5nm3E6cbg7mMjgJOTFCAgVVmdv+R/lW2vVvba8vobhLuO/icG1YrPGxcM Hcb7nxOKpTB+SvkNRdJd28+oQ3BcRQXVxIUt4pK1ggCGMrGC5IqSamta4qjF/KbyAl5b3i6WVntZ tNdRufLvC49SSJrSWJnURvGslFkccEPH4F5ccVe9itBXr3p0rgV5d+Ydnrsvm2S607y5Ya/HFp1t 5OKs+0T83PKMWg+XlnvLm8ub6yhZpFt5ZZS4TgTIiB3Z3lRl+Dlv7b4FTDSvze8jalwSG6njuHkh h�2�T0P���wq���H�)�BҀD����KP�5/9?%3/�pqs�O� (X ������ e���@b�Q�.I roP3ifCNzQbkKzY+evJAhWY+YdMELqHSQ3lvxZWLgMDzoQTE/wDwJ8Diq/WvOPlzRLuK01O79C4m To calculate the weight of a plate, square or rectangular piece of material, multiply the width, height and length to get the volume, then multiply by the "Kg /Cu. 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